
nQuencer is a eurorack module that turns the 16n faderbank into a step sequencer.

Connect a 3.5mm stereo cable to the i2c socket, patch in a clock and get a pitch and gate output.

When the nQuencer module receives a trigger at the Clock input it reads the state of the first 16n Faderbank fader and outputs a corresponding voltage at Output 1. At the next clock signal it will read the second fader and so on until it reaches the end and loops back to the start.

The reset button and input to move back to the start

If a fader is at the very bottom no gate will be generated for that step in modes that output gates. The last fader that isn't at the bottom determines the length of the sequence.

The LED grid shows the current step of the sequence or current setting while in settings mode.


sixteen steps
  • up to 16 step sequence
  • out 1 outputs pitch and out 2 outputs a gate
  • reset button and input move back to the start
two eights
  • splits the 16n faderbank into two halves each with upto 8 steps
  • out 1 outputs pitch for the left half and out 2 for the right
  • clock advances both sequences or reset in advances sequence 2 (alt reset in)
  • splits the 16n faderbank into two halves each with upto 8 steps
  • values from the right half (up to 1v) are added to the left
  • out 1 outputs pitch and out 2 outputs a gate
  • clock advances both sequences or reset in advances sequence 2 (alt reset in)
  • splits the 16n faderbank into two halves each with upto 8 steps but only one sequence at a time
  • reset button switches the output to the other sequence or reset in (alt reset in)
  • out 1 outputs pitch and out 2 outputs a gate


Hold the reset button to enter settings mode, use the faders to change settings and press the button to exit

direction up, down, up down, random

probability chance of a note firing

output voltage range max 1v, 2v, 3v, 4v

fader behaviour
sequence behaviour when faders are at the bottom
note off, output 0v, last fader not at bottom controls sequence length on/off

gate length

alternative reset input mode on/off

root note
scale - chromatic (semitones), ionian (major), aeolian (natural minor), harmonic minor, dorian, phrygian, lydian, mixolydian, major pentatonic, minor pentatonic, blues, disabled (unquantised)

technical details

width: 4HP

depth: 25mm

power: 12v 45mA, -12v 0mA, 5v 0mA


quick start guide
DIY build guide
firmware 1.1 (2024-05-27)
best buds firmware


If you have an early version of nQuencer without the LED display grid, you can find documentation here.